Monday 21 September 2015

22 September 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Tuesday 22 September 2015 
Morning Prayer

Psalm 51

With the psalmist we ask for God’s mercy for sins to be forgiven, transgressions washed away: blotted out. We admit that our sin was against God alone and God’s judgement is justified. Since God desires truth, we ask to be taught wisdom in our secret heart. We want to experience joy and gladness again since our whole being is crushed in recognition of our sin. “Create in me a new heart, O God and put a right spirit within me” (v.10).

1 Kings 13: 20 – 34

While the holy man of God eats with the prophet who tricked him, God’s word comes to the prophet. The holy man, due to his disobedience will die and not be buried in his home. The prophet gives the man a donkey. On the journey the man is attacked and killed by a lion. The lion stands beside the man’s body.

The prophet hears, tells his son that the man must be the one who disobeyed God. He saddles his own donkey and goes to the scene. There he finds the body, the donkey and the lion standing guard. He brings the man’s body to his own home, buries him and gives instruction to his sons that when he dies he it to be buried beside the holy man. He proclaims that what the holy man said is the word of God and will occur.

Nevertheless, Jeroboam continues to make priests of anyone who wants to be one. This is a great sin for the house of Jeroboam. The house of Jeroboam now faces obliteration.

Matthew 6: 25 – 7: 5

Jesus talks about priorities, about putting God at the centre of our lives and seeking God first. Those who seek other gods are really seeking their material well-being and prosperity. God values us. And we are to trust God and show that we do by: not worrying about tomorrow and heaping those concerns on to of the concerns of today and, by not judging others – for we know that how we judge is how we will be judged by God.

Collect for Morning Prayer

The Head of the Bight
Great Australian Bight SA  L Osburn
Wonderful creator God you are full of grace and forgiveness. Thank you for the gift of this new day and new opportunities to do your will with courage, love and compassion. May our thoughts, words and deeds show that we trust you and put you first through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Tuesday 22 September 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalms 52 and 53

In the first psalm a person who trusts riches, seeks refuge in wealth, who is mischievous and plots destruction is warned that God will respond. In comparison those who trust in God are like a green olive tree, trusting in the steadfast love of God and praising God.

The second psalm is about those who do not believe and who do evil. God’s response to them will be terrifying. The psalmist prays for the people to be delivered and for their fortunes to be restored.

Job 21: 17 – 34

If the unbelieving they die, you say their children carry their sins. Why should their children suffer? Let them see their own destruction. Otherwise, what will they care if they are gone and someone else is being punished? Ask anyone on the road, they will tell you that the wicked are spared in days of calamity and no-one confronts them while they are alive. At their death they are buried in sweet earth. Job says, don’t fill me with false comfort.

Ephesians 4: 29 – 5: 5

Speak in ways that build each other up, not tear down. Put away all resentment and anger about the past. There is to be no wrangling, slander or malice instead we are to be tender hearted. Since God has forgiven us we are to live in love. Obscene, silly and vulgar talk is out of place and greed is unacceptable.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Supporting people climbing
The Gloucester Tree
Pemberton WA L Osburn
Holy and loving God we thank you that your new covenant with us through Christ focuses on your love and building each other up, loving and caring for each other and being tender hearted. Keep us from greed and envy. Turn us to trust and generosity of spirit so that we and all your world may live in the harmony and peace you want for us through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, and the power of your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

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