Friday 11 September 2015

12  September 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Saturday 12 September 2015 
Morning Prayer

Psalm 33

This psalm is a great hymn of praise to God citing evidence including creation, oversight of nations, strength beyond that of people or war-horses and the steadfast love that delivers our souls from death. The psalm ends saying our souls wait for the Lord, our hearts are glad because we trust and with an appeal for God’s steadfast love to be with us.

1 Kings 9: 15 – 28

Solomon begins a building and construction program using people who are not Israelites as the forced labour. He builds or re-builds cities, walls around cities, his own house, Jerusalem’s wall, storehouses and places for cavalry, grain…

Three times a year Solomon makes sacrifices of well being on the altar he built for the Lord.

Solomon builds a fleet of ships and in partnership with King Hiram of Tyre imports 420 talents of gold from Ophir.

Acts 28: 27 – 31

Since God’s people’s hearts are dull, ears blocked and eyes shut, God’s message of salvation goes to the people of all the nations.

Paul lives in Rome for two years and preaches without hindrance.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Restoring and repairing
Harrietville Vic. L Osburn
 Faithful God of steadfast love you support, save and nourish those whose souls wait for you and who believe in you. Keep our hearts, ears and eyes open to your message of salvation to everyone on the planet so that we in our actions, words and attitudes spread your love and care, rebuild and restore the broken and look to those days when we can celebrate the well being of all through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saturday 12 September 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalm 31

This powerful psalm is on the theme of taking refuge in God and has the words “Into your hand I commit my spirit”. The second part asks for God’s grace and the final part praises God and encourages us to love the Lord, “be strong and let your heart take courage” (v. 24).

Job 15: 17 – 35

Eliphaz continues to talk about how from ancient knowledge and wisdom we have learned that God repays the wicked for their ways – that there is retribution.

3 John

This is a letter to a faithful person Gaius, who is known to provide hospitality to Christian missionaries. He is commended and encouraged to continue even in the face of another church member who is expelling people from the Christian community if they accommodate and support missionaries. Hospitality is the application of the love command (vs 5 & 6). The letter ends with the hope the writer can come and speak with Gaius face-to-face.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Father Peter demonstrating hospitality:
he welcomes us, fed us and
gave our mother a rickshaw ride.
Albury NSW L Osburn
Holy and eternal God your love us and have given us two great commandments: to love you and to love each other. Be with us now as we commit our spirit to you. Fill us with courage to do your will and empower us to be hospitable and loving to others all our days through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, and the power of your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

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