Friday 14 August 2015

15 August 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Saturday 15 August 2015 
Morning Prayer   

Psalm 104: 1 – 25

Great hymn to the creator: clouds, sea, mountains, water, grass, and creatures, wine the list goes on.  In wisdom God has made it all.

2 Samuel 19: 41 – 20: 13

Israel confronts Judah for taking David over the Jordan and not restoring him. Judah says David is kin and they have more claim to him. The dispute goes on until Sheba, son of Bichri sounds a trumpet and has Israel walk away from any association with David. Israel follows Sheba. Judah restores David to Jerusalem.

David takes the ten concubines who were raped by Absalom and places them in their own home under guard. They live like widows for the remainder of their lives.

David instructs Amasa to call together the men of Judah in three days and be before David himself. Amasa does not appear at the required time. David instructs Abishai to pursue Sheba or he will set up an opposition to David. He goes and Joab with his forces follow. At Gibeon Amasa meets them. Joab goes forward in the act of greeting Amasa and instead fatally stabs him.

One of Joab’s men stands by Amasa’s body instructing Amasa’s people to follow Abishai and Joab if they are for David. But the people stand and look at the body. He takes Amasa’s body away and covers it. Then the people follow Abishai and Joab.

Acts 17: 22 – 34

Paul addresses the Areopagus. He notes the Greeks are a religious people and tells them he saw the altar to the unknown God. He proclaims this God, the creator who made one ancestor from whom all humans come. God fashioned humans to seek God and to find God. In God we have our being. Greek poetry acknowledges that we are God’s offspring. God is not stuff and does not need stuff. God realises we are not informed and wants us to repent. Paul proclaims that Christ, the resurrected one will be our judge. Some scoff when Paul speaks of the resurrection; others believe. The council agrees they wish to hear more from him.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Harrietville Vic L Osburn

Holy Lord of creation and promise, in you there is true restoration and no need for further strife. In you we find our being, our centre and our peace. May we praise you for the rest of our days and thank you for your Son Jesus Christ our saviour through whom we have perfect redemption. Amen.

Saturday 15 August 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalm 104: 26 – 37

This part of the psalm reinforces that all things natural and man made rely on the mercy of God for their existence and sustenance.

Proverbs 17: 17 – 18: 3

There are numerous themes in this section.
Friends love each other through everything and families share adversity. Living alone is about not engaging with others.
If you love doing wrong, thinking and talking in perverse ways calamity, contempt and strife will follow.
If you seek wisdom, listen more than you speak and have a cool spirit you will be knowledgeable and have understanding.
A cheerful heart brings healing and a downcast spirit makes us brittle.
Fools bring nothing but grief and bitterness to their parents.
Don’t go guarantor for a neighbour’s debts.
Don’t fine the innocent or flog people who have integrity.

Romans 11: 1 – 12

Paul asks the question has God rejected Israel? He reflects on Eijah’s conversation with God. God, by grace, keeps people steadfast and faithful and others their hearts are hardened. It is not by good works that God gives grace. Grace is a free, underserved gift. So are those with a sluggish spirit and hard heart destined to fall? No. But through them people of other nations are included and benefit from God’s riches. How much better the world will be when everyone receives grace and is included!

Collect for Evening Prayer

Cascade of camellias
Harrietville Vic L Osburn
Holy wonderful and almighty Lord we give you thanks and praise for your unending generosity and grace. Be with us now as we pray for people of all nations, their safety and their inclusion in your love so that we all may have cheerful hearts and heal this world you love through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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