Tuesday 11 August 2015

12 August 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Wednesday 12 August 2015 
Morning Prayer   

Psalms 99 and 100

Songs of praise to God who rules, is awesome, loves justice and fairness and will stand by us. We are to come, be joyful, sing, be thankful, know we are loved and will be loved forever.

2 Samuel 18: 19 – 19: 8a

Ahimaaz, one of the sons of the high priest (Zadok) asks permission to run and tell David that the battle is won and Absalom is dead. Joab tells him he is not to do so because it is the king’s own son who is dead and he is the high priest’s son. Joab sends a person from Ethopia (Cush). Ahimaaz follows anyway knowing he we get no reward. He knows the terrain better and outruns the first man. When he arrives he tells David the good news that the battle is won. He covers up that he knows Absalom’s fate when asked. The appointed runner arrives and when asks tells David that Absalom is dead.

David mourns. The victory celebrations therefore are turning to mourning. Joab, David’s commander, goes to David and tells him he must put his mourning aside for it communicates to the army that they fought for nothing and his mourning devalues their service. David goes to the gate and welcomes and honours all those who fought for him.

Acts 16: 25 – 40

Paul and Silas are in gaol with their feet held in stocks. It is midnight and they are singing hymns. The other prisoners are listening. An earthquake occurs and the doors of the prison are open. The gaoler is about to commit suicide and Paul calls out to say all the prisoners are here. The gaoler takes Paul and Silas home, treats their wounds and he and his whole household are baptised.

In the morning the magistrates send for Paul and Silas to be released. Paul refuses. He makes it clear they are both Roman citizens. Injustice has occurred. The magistrates apologise and ask Paul and Silas to leave. The two go first to Lydia’s home then continue on their mission.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Castles of Sand
Cape Le Grand National Park WA
L Osburn
Holy Lord, your love for us is eternal, deep, powerful and just. Be with all of us today especially those who live in places where there are no rules and where summary power is exercised. Help us read your scriptures and learn from the patterns of the past. Remind us of how you save us from death and bring realisation, clarity, freedom, honour and release so that we are confident and secure in your love for us now and forever through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Amen.

Wednesday 12 August 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalm 103

A beautiful psalm of praise blessing God with every part of our being and for every benefit we have been given especially God's eternal love. This is a luscious reverent, adoring psalm.

Proverbs 16: 1 – 15

We might have plans, whether they are fulfilled is up to God who knows our spirit. So we need to commend our plans to God and know that there is a purpose in even evil people.

Be assured that the arrogant will be punished. Be loyal and faithful and revere God so that even our enemies will be at peace with us.

Kings have power and it is an abomination for kings to do evil. Wisdom and righteousness in the presence of a king appeases a king’s wrath and brings favour – like spring rain.

Romans 9: 25 – 10: 4

Paul uses scripture to clarify that people who are not Jews are to be God’s children and that not all Jews are heirs to God’s promise. While Jewish people are committed and faithful to God, some do so, not on the basis of faith, but by works. Whereas the new covenant means righteousness comes from God by faith. For Christ provides God’s righteousness to all believers. Seeking to fulfil the Law can only build that individual’s righteousness – which can never be complete.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Moon on Lake Mulwala
NSW L Osburn
Holy and gracious God, loving and forever true, as we come to the end of this day we bring the outcomes of our efforts to you and bring all our plans for the days to come to you. Read our hearts. Put your Holy Spirit in us that we may see aright, walk your path, love and praise you forever knowing we are bringing your kingdom of love and light closer each day through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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