Tuesday 14 July 2015

15 July 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Wednesday 15 July 2015 
Morning Prayer   

Psalm 37: 1 – 17

There are people who do evil and prosper. Their presence is a challenge to us to choose faith, to do good things, to stay calm, to not get angry or envious of their wealth. Stay with the Lord and be patient. It is their story and God’s job if they continue to reject him. “Do not fret – it leads only to evil” (v.8).

2 Samuel 1: 17 – 27

David composes a lament for Saul and Jonathon, which he has taught to the people of Judah and copied in a book to be remembered. It has the famous words “How the mighty have fallen!” (verses 19 & 25). He tells his love of Saul and especially his deep love of Jonathon.

John 5: 30 – 47

Jesus says that his judgements are just because he has no interest in the outcome. He is not doing anything to promote himself. Those who testify for and on behalf of Jesus are: God – and that testimony is true, John the Baptist, the God given works Jesus does and the scriptures.

He says that the Jews search for eternal life in the scriptures and the scriptures says Jesus will come and bring life but they refuse to come to Jesus to have life. Instead they accept glory from fellow humans. Isn’t it better to accept God’s glory from God directly?

Jesus says that Moses wrote about him and if they won’t believe Moses, they are not going to believe Jesus.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Early morning pelicans
Denmark WA 2014 L Osburn
Holy God, you are the source of life, love and glory. Help us make impartial judgements and care for what is right in your eyes. Help us stay open to the gift of your eternal life so that we may wait patiently and with internal calm for your glorious provision through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

Wednesday 15 July 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalm 37: 18 – 41

This portion of the psalm continues with examples of God’s retribution for the wicked and protection and salvation for the faithful and the meek: “though we stumble, we shall not fall headlong, for the Lord holds us by the hand” (v. 24).

Micah 7: 8 – 20

This last section talks of the time when Jerusalem will be punished but will again be restored. Her remnant people will be forgiven and she will be rebuilt. Other cities that scorned and asked, “Where is your God?” will see. Other nations will be ashamed. They will be amazed at this God who delights in clemency and casts aside our sins.

Galatians 6: 1 – 10

Paul gives practical advice on how we demonstrated the fruits of the spirit. If someone does something wrong, we are to restore them in a spirit of gentleness. We are to be watchful for things that tempt us. We are to support each other. When we think we are important remember we are deceiving ourselves. Criticise and test our own work, not others. Support those who teach us. Put time and effort into the spirit and we will reap a harvest there. Whenever we have a chance, do things for the community of the faithful.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Delicate gum blossoms
Denmark WA 2014 L Osburn
Loving God, you are the spirit of gentleness. You hold us by the hand so that we might stumble but not fall. You are clemency and forgiveness. Let us now bring our day to you in meekness and trust so that we may see clearly, be gentle too, stay watchful and support others in their faith journey with you through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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