Friday 19 June 2015

20  June 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Saturday 20 June 2015 
Morning Prayer   

Psalms 114 and 115

First, the psalmist recalls the exodus and crossing of the sea and the Jordan: that the natural world moved and changed to suit God’s purpose. The second psalm starts praising God for faithful and constant expression of love. The psalmist ridicules the idol-makers who like their idols may have the physical senses (eyes, ears, noses…) but make no use of them. God is contrasted as a sensing and active presence worthy to be trusted. The psalmist blesses the hearer of the psalm.

1 Samuel 17: 41 – 54

David and Goliath come close on the battlefield. Goliath, seeing that David is unarmed asks, “Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?” (v. 43). David responds that while Goliath has a sword and spear and javelin, David has the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel who does not save by sword and spear.

Goliath draws near. David runs towards him and selecting a stone slings it, hits Goliath who falls dead.

The Philistines flee pursued by the Israelites.

Acts 11: 19 – 30

The believers who were in Jerusalem at the time of the persecution that followed the death of Stephen scattered to Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch. Most speak only with Jews. Some from Cyprus and Cyrene talk also with those who speak Greek. Many believe and so Barnabas is sent to Antioch where he encourages the believers. Barnabas goes to Tarsus to look for Saul (Paul) who he brings to Antioch. For a year they teach the believers there together. This is when the disciples are first called Christians.

One of the prophets from Jerusalem says there will be a famine. The believers in Antioch resolve to send relief to the believers in Judea and they do this through Barnabas and Saul.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Water playground
Perth WA 2014 L Osburn
 Our living God you are sensing, active and worthy to be trusted. Help us to be your faithful people, sensitive to the needs of others and the challenges before us as a community and to act together with you using the resources we already have so that we bring your love and care to all the world through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

Saturday 20 June April 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalms 116 and 117

The first psalm gives thanks to God for healing. Even when he is profoundly depressed the psalmist trusts in God. The second psalm is a global call to praise God.

Sirach 17: 1 – 24

God created humans whose lives are limited but who have authority like no other creature. God gave humans eyes, ears, discretion and a mind for thinking, knowledge and understanding and showed them good and evil.

They have the capacity for awe and praise. God gave them the law of life and established a covenant with them and one concerning the care of their neighbours.

God appointed rulers for other nations and ruled Israel alone. God sees what everyone does: nothing is hidden. Alms giving and kindness are precious things to God. God forgives those who repent and encourages those who are losing hope.

2 Corinthians 13

Paul will come again to the Corinthians and since they desire proof that Christ is speaking in him he, coming in weakness (just as Christ was weak) will come with the power of God. Paul asks the Corinthians to examine themselves. Are they living in faith? Is Jesus Christ in them? That will be the test.

He prays they will be strong and do nothing wrong. He will come in truth. He will be happy if they are strong and he can be weak with them. He writes this letter so that when he comes he does not have to use his authority strongly.

He ends saying to them to put things in order, seek to agree with each other and live in peace. He prays that the God of peace is with them: may they greet each other with a holy kiss. All the saints send their greetings. He ends with a blessing.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Armadale WA 2014 L Osburn
Creator God you have made us complex with the ability to think, understand and choose. Help us to love you and have you in our hearts. Help us to love and be compassionate with our neighbours and to know that we may always return to you in repentance and come back to you in faith through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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