Tuesday 9 June 2015

10 June 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Wednesday 10 June 2015 
Morning Prayer   

Psalms 92 and 93

In the first psalm God’s faithfulness and steadfast love is praised. On this occasion enemies have failed in some other place and are no more. Everything has been restored. The righteous people prosper.

In the second psalm God’s greatness is praised – more powerful than floods, more powerful than the seas. God’s commandments are sure and God lives in holiness.

1 Samuel 13: 1 – 8

Saul with his son Jonathon begins the war against the Philistines. Jonathon takes a garrison at Geba. The Philistines raise a huge force and bring them to Michmash. The Israelites hide themselves and tremble. Some cross the river east. Saul waits seven days as appointed by Samuel. Samuel does not arrive.

Acts 8: 26 – 40

Philip, instructed by an angel of the Lord goes south on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza. An Ethiopian eunuch, the person in charge of the Ethiopian treasury is travelling on the road having worshipped in Jerusalem. He is reading Isaiah. Philip is led by the Spirit to talk to the Ethiopian. He hears him reading and begins a conversation that enables Philip to proclaim the good news of Jesus. The Ethiopian asks to be baptised and goes away rejoicing. Philip proclaims the good news from Azotus to Caesarea.

Collect for Morning Prayer

SA 2014 L Osburn
 Holy and almighty God you are worthy to be praised for you have already dealt with the greatest threat and overcome it through Jesus Christ our saviour. When we are unsure, lead us by your spirit and guide us in your grace. Open our hearts and minds and mouths so that we can proclaim your good news, dispel fear, educate and inspire others to love and serve you through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

Wednesday 10 June April 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalm 94

The psalmist calls people to remember that God does, can and will act for the righteous. We are all reminded that nothing is hidden from God who formed all ears, all types of eyes. Will God not be able to see or hear what we are up to? The psalmist writes that disciplined believers are blessed, that the Lord is there for them and consoles. The Lord helps.

Sirach 3: 17 - 29

We are told to be humble in our tasks and the greater we are the more humble we need to be. Our humility glorifies God. Don’t try to do things that are beyond your capacity or understanding and don’t meddle in things you can’t understand – others who were so conceited made impaired judgements.

Just as we need eyes for light we need knowledge for wisdom. Stubborn minds that like danger will perish and be burdened by troubles. The proud when they fail, cannot be healed. The intelligent mind appreciates proverbs and the wise have an attentive ear.

2 Corinthians 8: 16 - 24

Paul is sending Titus and two other enthusiastic brothers one who has been proclaiming the good news and another who has been trained and is eager to meet the Corinthians. Paul doesn’t want there to be complaints about the administration of the generous gift being collected because the intent is to do the right thing by the faithful and by God.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Pink and grey parrots
Eyre Highway WA 2014
L Osburn
Holy Lord you know everything we do and you bless us. Keep our hearts and minds open, flexible and interested in learning. Keep our ears open to others and to you so that we stay humble and make good decisions – and recover from mistakes – knowing that it is your help that brings the victory and your glory we seek praise through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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