Tuesday 19 May 2015

20 May 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Wednesday 20 May 2015 
Morning Prayer   

Psalm 48

This psalm praises Mt Zion City of God its walls and grandeur. Moreover, it is the place where God can be found and kings approaching fall and fail once they recognise God dwells here. In the temple the people ponder God’s steadfast love and praise God’s name throughout the earth. The psalmist tells us to come to the holy city, walk around; go into the citadels so that we can tell our children and their children that this God, our God will be our guide forever.

Deuteronomy 3: 18 – 4: 8

Moses continues his address to the people. They are to leave their wives and livestock in the towns they have won in the Transjordan. The men are to go on to the Promised Land and only when that has been won for all will they come back.

Joshua will lead them remembering God is giving the victories. Moses is not permitted to go. They are to keep the law and not change it so that the nations around know that God goes with them and that they have laws for governance and justice – they are a wise and discerning people.

John 17: 6 – 19

Jesus prays and asks God to protect the disciples – not to protect them so much that they are taken from the world – but to be with them. Jesus states that he has passed on to the disciples the things God wanted them to know, they believe. Only Judas Iscariot was lost and that was prophesied. Jesus says all these things out loud so that the disciples can be joyful. Jesus asks that the disciples be sanctified in truth.

Collect for Morning Prayer

In the rain, through the hills
Towards Port Augusta SA 2014 L Osburn
Holy Lord, we have this vision of the great and magnificent holy city where you dwell in glory, might and power. But you are the one who came to dwell with us, on a mountain, in a tent, in a temple, in a manger in an outpost of the Roman Empire and to die for us so that you may dwell with us forgiven and free.  Give us the courage to take up the mission you have for each of us – to leave behind some precious people and things - knowing we will return and that you go with us through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

Wednesday 20 May April 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalm 49

This is a riddle psalm / song.
Bow down everyone everywhere. Why should we worry about persecutors or the wealthy? No one can live forever. The wise and foolish die too. All possessions are left to others. Mortals can’t abide all the pomp of life – we will die. Those who are pleased with their lot will die. But God will ransom my soul and receive me.

Don’t be afraid when someone becomes richer and they are happy in their life. They and they ancestors will be gone. Mortals can’t abide all the pomp of life – we will die.

Judges 13: 1 - 18

The Israelites again do evil things and are ruled by the Philistines for 40 years. 

The wife of a man named Manoah who has no children encounters an angel of the Lord who says she will conceive and have a son who will begin the process of freeing the people from Philistine rule. She is to watch her diet – no alcohol or strong drinks and no unclean food for the boy will be a nazarite. She tells her husband.

Manoah prays for the messenger to return and teach the couple what they are to do in raising this child. The angel comes again to the woman in a field. She runs and brings Manoah who talks with the angel and gets the same instructions on pre-natal care.

Manoah offers to prepare food for the angel who refuses to eat and says make a burnt offering to God. Manoah asks the angel’s name and is asked, “Why do you ask my name? It is too wonderful”.

1 Corinthians 12: 14 - 31

Paul continues using the metaphor of the church as a body. Just like he body has different parts so we all have different positions and roles and just because we do not do something someone else does, it does not make us less a part of the whole. He goes further. In our own bodies, we cover and give more respect and care to the parts we think are less honourable. Not everyone has all the gifts. Not everyone speaks in tongues or heals or teaches or does miracles. We are to respect our contributions and the contributions of all and honour everyone, especially ‘the least of us”, remembering that if one part of the body suffers the whole body suffers.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Some do the heavy lifting
Gladstone Qld 2015 L Osburn
God of wonders and grace you know how troubled our world is and you raise up people in your own time with the abilities and gifts needed to move us from lives of oppression to lives of freedom and community with you. Open us up to support all the ministries and skills and abilities there are in our communities so that we, seeing their work and progress may give you thanks and praise through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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