Monday 11 May 2015

12 May 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Tuesday 12 May 2015 
Morning Prayer   

Psalm 33

This psalm is a great hymn of praise to God citing evidence including creation, oversight of nations, strength beyond that of people or war-horses, the steadfast love that delivers our souls from death. The psalm ends saying our souls wait for the Lord, our hearts are glad because we trust and with an appeal for God’s steadfast love to be with us.

Exodus 35: 20 – 36: 7

Moses requests from the people materials, metal, cloth, wood and stones for the tent of meeting and official garments. Only those people whose hearts are stirred and spirit is willing, give. Women spin and weave cloth. People give jewellery, acacia wood, skins and fine leather.

A gifted designer and crafts team is named and they begin work. The people are so generous the team ask Moses to ask the people to stop. There is more than enough.

John 14: 18 – 31

Jesus tells the disciples that he is leaving and going to the Father and that he is alive and in the disciples and they in him. God will love those who keep Jesus’s commandments and Jesus will be revealed to them. God with Christ will make a home in them.

The Advocate, the Holy Spirit will teach us and remind us what Jesus said. Jesus gives his peace and reassures the disciples “Do not let your hearts be troubled” (v. 27). If the disciples loved Jesus they would rejoice that he is going to the Father.

“Rise. Let us be on our way” (v. 31).

Collect for Morning Prayer

Calcite Loader
Gladstone Qld 2015 L Osburn
God of creation, creativity, heart and soul, strength beyond measure and eternal love, you bring us your peace and your Holy Spirit. You have promised to be with all who keep your commandments. Be with us today and help us to assess the needs we have and to see that there are more than enough of us with willing, spirit-filled hearts, resources and skills to do what is needed so that we can, with you, rise in confidence and be on our way through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

Tuesday 12 May April 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalm 31

This powerful psalm is on the theme of taking refuge in God and has the words “Into your hand I commit my spirit”. The second part asks for God’s grace and the final part praises God and encourages us to love the Lord, “be strong and let your heart take courage” (v. 24).

Judges 7: 1 – 22 (23 – 25)

Gideon amasses troops for battle. The Lord says there are too many and the people will think that by their own strength they will win the day. God uses two filters. He tells Gideon to send the fearful home. He also tells Gideon to get everyone to drink from a water hole. Those who lap stay: those who kneel are sent home.

The Midianite and Amalekite forces are huge. God tells Gideon that if he doubts go close to their camp. He hears a dream and interpretation – Gideon will win. He ranges his people surrounding the enemy on in the night. Each has a hidden torch in one hand and a horn in to other. On command they reveal the torches and blow the horns. The enemy army, in confusion, fight each other and flee. Gideon calls the other tribes out to continue the pursuit. The battle is won and the land reclaimed.

1 Corinthians 10: 12 - 22

Paul warns that if we think we are good and upright be aware that we do not fall. Everyone is tested and God provides us with ways out so that we can be sustained.

So, he says, flee from worshipping idols. Our ritual of communion means we share in Christ’s body and blood through the wine and bread. Through that, we unite and are made one.

What idol worshippers sacrifice and eat is not to God so we cannot be part of those ceremonies else we risk breaking the first commandment.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Little essential things
Gladstone Qld 2015 L Osburn
O God you love us and win the battles for us when we trust in you, commit ourselves to you and have communion with each other in your name. Help us to do the small things, to make the small gestures together so that we are part of revealing your power to your glory through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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