Wednesday 1 April 2015

2 April 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Thursday 2 April 2015
Morning Prayer

Psalm 55

This psalm again is someone asking for God’s aid when assailed by enemies, but this time the enemies are people who were good friends, companions, colleagues, with whom the psalmist worshipped: the people most trusted. The deep pain of this betrayal is made clear. The psalmist however angry and hurt will lay this burden on the Lord who will sustain. The psalmist will stay calm and trust in God.

Exodus 24: 1 – 11

This is a description of the ratification of the first covenant between God and the children of Israel as mediated by Moses. A great vision of a sapphire pavement for God’s throne room is presented.

John 17

Jesus prays for the disciples and all believers that they may be unified and strengthened in their belief. He prays that eternal life will be theirs and that they come to understand that eternal life is knowing God and knowing Christ. Jesus asks that all believers be sanctified in God’s truth. Jesus prays that those who hear the words of the believers are also equally protected. Finally Jesus prays that the believers will be with him and will see him when he is in glory.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Rainbow at sunset
Mulwala-Berrigna Road NSW 2015 L Osburn
Holy, almighty and awesome God you are the orchestrator of this great drama, the covenants, the glory, the betrayal and the unity. Be with us today and tonight as we travel through this holy time of emotional turmoil and reconnect with your covenant, with your love, with you and with others in unity and eternal life through Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord. Amen.

Thursday 2 April 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalm 136

This is a great song of praise and almost written in “rap form”.  Speak of any of the gifts and marvels of God then add, “… for his steadfast love endures forever”.
The psalm chronicles all the reasons why we should praise the Lord for his steadfast and enduring love.

Leviticus 16: 2 – 24

This is a description of the early priestly rituals for atoning for personal sins and community sins through sacrifice and the laying of the community’s sins on a goat that was then freed into the wilderness – to escape. No one is allowed into the holy part of the temple without the incense to hide the presence of God. Only the priest is allowed in to this holy space behind the curtain.

Ephesians 2: 11 – 22

Paul says that through Christ we all belong to God and there is no more distinction between the circumcised and the uncircumcised. Christ was the sacrifice for us. Through his flesh he joined people from other nations to the Jewish people. We are all reconciled to God. Through Christ we are all joined together and become part of the holy temple, the dwelling place for God across the entire world.

Collect for Evening Prayer

New leaves on a gum tree
Tawonga Gap Road Mt Beauty Vic
2015 L Osburn
God of eternal steadfast love you want us all to be united in you Jews and Christians and the believers throughout the world. You sent Jesus to be your great high priest and scapegoat for the sins of the word giving us all direct access to you. May our hearts be full of praise and wonder all the days of our lives so that we too may sing every time we notice one of your many blessings through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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