Sunday 8 March 2015

9 March 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Monday 9 March 2015
Morning Prayer

Psalm 22: 1 – 22

This portion of the psalm is a solemn prayer for deliverance from a dreadful illness. It is an illness that has detractors circling the psalmist. The psalmist feels alone and separated from God but is reminded of all the times God was there in the past for the Israelites. The psalmist is humble, asks to be saved not just from the illness but also from any temptation.

Genesis 46: 26 – 47: 12

Joseph’s family are reunited in Egypt. Jacob acts as ambassador and tells those who are to meet Pharaoh what to say. Pharaoh makes the land grant in Goshen and asks Joseph to identify competent shepherds to look after his own flocks.

Luke 15: 1 – 10

The Pharisees complain that Jesus eats with sinners. He tells the story of the shepherd and the lost sheep, and the woman and the lost coin. He explains the joy in heaven when a lost person is restored to faith.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Female King Parrot feeding Juvenile
Harrietville Vic 2014 L Osburn
 Holy God of compassion and love, you love each and every one of us. Sometimes we feel alone and overwhelmed by our circumstances. Your scriptures and Jesus remind us of your provision, love and care. Now let us commit our day to you so that we too are kept from temptation and walk in faith and feel your deep and abiding love through Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord. Amen.

Monday 9 March 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalms 22: 23 – 32 and 23

The second section of the psalm, calls for all people who respect and honour God to give praise, glorify and stand in awe! God has delivered the psalmist from deadly illness and this evidence shows that all God’s promises are secure. The Lord rules in all places and future generations will continue God’s praise.

This is the well-known 23rd Psalm. The Lord is compared to a shepherd who makes sure the sheep are well pastured, have clean water, are at peace and have nothing to fear. God makes us holy (anoints us) and gives us good things our whole life long.

Jeremiah 32: 1 – 15

King Zedekiah of Judah questions Jeremiah about his prophesies while Babylon is besieging Jerusalem. Prophesies are only counted true if what is prophesied comes to pass. Jeremiah tells the story of prophesying a particular land sale. He bought the land and has the deeds in safekeeping for the time when Judah is free from the Babylonians.

Hebrews 10: 5 – 18

The writer makes it clear that Jesus said sacrifices and burnt offerings are not what God wants. God wants us to do his will. There is a new covenant sealed by Jesus. Our sins are forgiven.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Blackwood River WA
2014 L Osburn

Holy and awesome God you care for us and have delivered is from harm. Be with us now and help us to sit with you and feel your deep stillness and care. Help us reflect on our forgiven sins. Help us recognise that you make us holy so that we can feel your peace and deep sustaining joy through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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