Tuesday 6 January 2015

7 January 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Wednesday 7 January 2015
Morning Prayer

Psalm 19

The sky in silence, every day and every night shows us that God is magnificent. God’s commandments are magnificent. They are right, they delight the heart, they are simple, they are more precious than gold. And the commandments warn us – but can we ever truly detect all our own faults? David asks for help so that he does not commit presumptuous sins*. He finishes with:

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord my rock and my redeemer.”

Song of Songs 1: 1 – 11

This is a love song. The woman yearns for relationship and seeks a rendezvous with her lover. He compliments and they share their adoration for each other.

John 4: 39 – 54

As a result of the Samaritans meeting Jesus, many believe that he is the saviour of the world and bring others to him. Jesus then moves on to Galilee. There an official whose son is unwell approaches him. Jesus initially responds with a comment that people want a sign before they believe. He tells the man that his son will live and that he may go. On his return, the official meets people from his household who tell him his son recovered at the exact time of day Jesus said, “Your son will live”. The official and his entire household believe. 

Collect for Morning Prayer

King Parrot looking carefully
Harrietville Vic 2014 L Osburn

God of signs, miracles and wonders the universe is full of your handiwork. Open our eyes and ears to the miracles of your making and your presence before us so that our hearts yearn for a relationship with you and we seek you to connect with you, every day through Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord. Amen.

Wednesday 7 January 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalm 119: 1 – 16

This portion of the psalm celebrates those who know and follow the laws of God. The psalmist asks to be taught and to be assisted to follow these laws.

Song of Songs 1: 12 – 2: 7

The couple share their adoration for each other. The woman is enraptured by love. She warns other women not to awaken love until it is ready.

Ephesians 4: 17 – 28

Paul warns the Ephesians not to live their life as people of other nations do; living lives separate from God and giving themselves to indulgence and lust for more. Instead live in accordance with the truth in Jesus. We are to put off our old self that was corrupted with desire and to put on a new self, a new attitude of mind in righteousness and holiness. We must speak truthfully. When we are angry, we are not to sin but to resolve the issue before sunset – do not let the evil one get a foothold. Do work with your own hands so that you have something to share with others.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Capturing the moment
Cape L Grand National Park WA
2014 L Osburn
Holy and magnificent Lord, you are to be desired above all. Help us to be so enraptured with you that we want to encounter you in our relationships with others and therefore transform ourselves to your righteous and holy people, loving and caring for each other in truth and self-control through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

*Presumptious sins are:
1.     When we do know better
2.     When we deliberately plan to do it or keep nurturing the thought about doing it, or have built up a habit of a particular sin
3.     Sinning to show total disregard for God
4.     Thinking that we are immune from a particular type of sin because we are strong or “able to manage it”. This is risky.
And, “I’ll repent tomorrow…” presumes a tomorrow.
REV. C. H. Spurgeon 1857

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