Tuesday 27 January 2015

28 January 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Wednesday 28 January 2015
Morning Prayer

Psalm 71

This psalmist is an older person who has had a life of connection with God.  The psalm is of praise and a plea for deliverance from personal enemies. The psalmist promises to use music to proclaim God and praise God.

Genesis 15

In a vision, Abram hears God say that God will shield him and be his great reward. Abram asks God about his childless state. God assures him that his offspring will be as numerous as the stars he can see at night. God also says he will have possession of the land. Abram asks how can he know. God instructs Abram to collect and slaughter animals for a covenant ritual. At sunset God reveals to Abram what will be come of the people – they will be taken into slavery and return. When the sun sets, Abram sees a smoking fire-pot and blazing torch pass between the two halves of the animals indicating God’s sealing of the covenant. God specifies the extent of the land given to Abram.

Luke 1: 26 – 38

The angel Gabriel visits Mary who is pledged to marry Joseph, greets her and calls her the Highly Favoured One. Gabriel tells her to not be afraid. Gabriel says she will have a child who is to be named Jesus. God will give him the throne of David and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever: his kingdom will never end.

How can this be, Mary asks? Gabriel says that Mary will be filled with the Holy Spirit and God will overshadow her so that the Holy One born will be the Son of God. Gabriel tells Mary that Elizabeth, her cousin is already 6 months pregnant for God nothing is impossible. Mary answers that she is the Lord’s servant and agrees to be part of this. The angel leaves.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Full Summer
Harrietville Vic 2014 L Osburn
 God of relationship and connection you show your direct contact with us through the scriptures. Your people meet you in prayer and praise, visions and through your messengers. Open us up to you Lord so that when we pray we come into your presence. In our silent contemplation help us listen and in our lives give us the courage and faith to let you to rule through Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord and Your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

Wednesday 28 January 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalm 119: 65 – 88

In this section the psalmist says that in the past he had gone astray, then was punished and humbled. These events led to study of the law and following God. Now, others are being arrogant, flout the law and attack him. The psalmist asks for deliverance and promises to keep the faith and be steadfast.

Jeremiah 9: 12 – 26

Why is the land about to be laid waste? It is because the people are stubborn of heart and are not obeying God’s Law. They are following Baals. God says to Jeremiah, to call for the wailing women. Let them wail till everyone cries. Let them teach younger women how to wail too, for people are about to be mown down like cut grain in the fields.

If anyone is to boast, let them boast about how they know God who exercises and delights in kindness, justice and righteousness.

The day is coming when those who are merely circumcised in the flesh and not in their hearts, will be punished.

James 3: 1 – 12

We are reminded to take care as teachers and not all of us should teach since what teachers say is judged more strictly and there isn’t anyone who makes no mistakes.

The tongue, though small is like a bit in a horse, a rudder for a ship or a spark of fire in a forest. All are tiny yet guide or take charge. Our tongues are hard to tame. We will praise God then curse a person who is made in God’s likeness: this should not be. Salt water and fresh water do not come from the same spring neither do figs and olives come from the same tree.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Sea bird at rest
Streaky Bay SA 2014 L Osburn
Holy loving and gracious God you want us to live in peace and harmony with you and with each other. Help us in this moment to come to you humbly and reflect on the times today when we spoke with kindness, justice and righteousness so that we can be strengthened and encouraged to use our voice in ways that please you through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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