Saturday 31 January 2015

1 February 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Sunday 1 February 2015
Morning Prayer

Psalm 119: 33 –40 

In this section of the psalm is the plea to be taught and to be shown how to live out the commandments daily; how to read and understand scripture.

John 4: 27 – 42

Jesus is at the well with the Samaritan woman. The disciples return. The woman goes to the city tells people, invites them to come and see Jesus and to make up their own minds.

Meanwhile the disciples try to get Jesus to eat. He talks about how he is fed by doing God’s work and seeing the harvest beginning. He tells the disciples they are about to benefit from the harvesting done by others.

Many Samaritans come from the city. They believe the woman’s testimony and asked Jesus to stay. Then they say that their belief is confirmed by what they heard from Jesus themselves.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Over the door
New Norcia benedictine Community WA
2014 L Osburn
 Holy God, you open our eyes, change our perspective and turn our world upside-down. Keep us open to be in awe and inspired by you so that we understand that with you the harvest can come before the sowing of the seeds. With you the most faithful and open believers, our brothers and sisters, may be those we currently call enemies and terrorists and in whose lands we fear to walk, so that we may live out your commandments in our lives through Jesus Christ our saviour and your Holy Spirit in our hearts, Amen.

Sunday 1 February 2015
Evening Prayer

Deuteronomy 11: 18 – 21

We are to fix God’s words into our hearts and minds. We can tie them as symbols on our hands and foreheads if it helps. Teach them to our children. Chat about them with them in any activity – sitting, going for a walk, resting or getting up. We can write them on our doorframes and gates so that our days and our children’s days with God will be long as God promised.

Psalm 112

This psalm proclaims that the righteous and faithful, who give generously and stand firm against fear and opposition, will receive good things and good reputations.

1 John 2: 18– 29

The writer encourages the Christians to stay firm and know that their baptism in Christ enables them to discern the truth. Those who say things against Christ, even if they were previously member of the church are false. We are to remember the message that we will abide in Jesus and in the Father. The writer encourages us all to continue abiding in Christ.

Collect for Evening Prayer

From the desert to the Southern Ocean
WA 2014 L Osburn
God of steadfast love you encourage us to be firm and consistent in our faith and you give us strategies to assist. Help us now to take some time to reflect on how we daily remind ourselves of your word and love and how we actively fix your words into our hearts and minds so that we may constantly abide in you through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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