Saturday 6 December 2014

7 December 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Sunday 7 December 2014 
Morning Prayer

Psalm 83

This plea for protection from enemies comes at a time when Israel is under attack from all the neighbouring peoples. The enemies are enemies of God, making a covenant against God. Direct action from God is requested so that the enemies learn that God is indeed God.

2 Peter 3: 1 – 9

The faithful are told not to be concerned about scoffers who question the coming of Christ and the last days. God has a different timetable and through God’s word creation occurred and the earth is preserved. God wants as many of us to be saved through repentance as possible. God is not slow – just patient.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Breaking through
Harrretville Vic 2014
L Osburn
Holy and creative God you brought the universe and everything in it to life and you sustain us all: the good and those who deny you. Keep us firm in our faith and love of you, of our neighbours and enemies knowing that they too are on your agenda for salvation as soon as their hearts are open to your glorious grace through Jesus Christ our saviour and your Holy Spirit in our hearts, Amen.

Sunday 7 December 2014
Evening Prayer

Isaiah 6

Isaiah has a vision of God and seraphim in the temple. He thinks he is lost since he has seen God but one of the seraphs brings a coal and touches his lips to cleanse him. Isaiah, called to prophecy does so and proclaims that the people will hear and not listen, not understand and that the whole land will suffer and people will flee. Not even a tenth part of it will remain.

Psalm 87

The second psalm is of praise for Zion, the mother city of believers everywhere. It is the basis for the hymn “Glorious things of you are spoken, Zion city of our God.”

Luke 1: 5 - 25

Zechariah, a priest is chosen to serve in the sanctuary of the temple, sees a vision of an angel who tells him that his wife will have a child whose name will be John. John will be strong in spirit, turn many to repentance and prepare people for the coming of the Lord. Zechariah questions the angel since his wife Elizabeth is quite old. The angel orders that he be made mute as a result of his doubt. The people, waiting for Zechariah to emerge wonder and especially so when he comes out unable to speak. Zechariah returns home after his service. Elizabeth conceives and gives thanks to God for removing her shame.

Collect for Evening Prayer

The Contemplation Bower
Harrretville Vic 2014
L Osburn
Holy Lord we wonder and marvel at the stories of your temple where your presence was seen and felt by your chosen Isaiah and Zechariah. Create in us that sense of temple, a place where you dwell, a place were we meet you face to face and where we are cleansed, refreshed and commissioned to do your will for the glory of your kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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