Tuesday 2 December 2014

3 December 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Wednesday 3 December 2014 
Morning Prayer

Psalm 78: 16 - 38

This portion of the psalm recounts the complaints against God when the Israelites were in the desert with Moses. Water was produced from rocks, food fell from heaven, both bread and birds. They had little faith and yet when they repented, God forgave.

Isaiah 2: 19 – 3: 12

When the Lord comes in judgement people will want to hide in caves and rocks and throw their idols away. Jerusalem will be without the supplies to support the people – food, water and administration. Those who lack knowledge or experience will rule. The people will be oppressed and oppress each other. Civil society will break down. Jerusalem and Judah have gone against God and will fall. The leaders mislead and confuse the people.

Mark 5: 1 – 20

Jesus and the disciples come to the territory of the Gerasenes. A man who lives among the tombs, howls and self harms runs towards Jesus and bows down. Jesus tells the unclean spirit to come out. The man yells his recognition of Jesus as the Son of God. Jesus asks the spirit it’s name and it answers “Legion” for there are many unclean spirits in the man. The spirits beg not to be tormented, not to be sent out of this part of the country and to go into the swine. Jesus does that. The swine go into the sea and drown. The swineherds, who are afraid, report what they see. The people ask Jesus to leave especially when they see the demoniac sitting there calm and rational. The healed man begs to stay with Jesus. Jesus sends the man back to his friends and to tell them how much God has done for him. The man does this. He preaches throughout the group of ten cities in eastern Palestine called the Decapolis.

Collect for Morning Prayer

At this time of year, the dark red bark
of this flowering gum tree sloughs off
revealing a smooth white new bark.
St Andrew's by the Lake Mulwala NSW
2014 L Osburn

Holy Lord compassionate and forgiving, when we turn to you, when we come to you although our sins are many you forgive, heal and grant us a new life and purpose. Help us today to throw our idols away, to approach you again, be reminded that we want to be with you and let your healing love refresh us, restore us to live lives that proclaim your glory through Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord. Amen.

Wednesday 3 December 2014
Evening Prayer

Psalms 78: 39 - 70
The psalmist shows how short the memories of humans are and how fickle. The Israelites in the desert did not remember or take into account the miracles of God that enabled their freedom. They had little faith. God held on and made decisions about the future of the people and who would lead them, for example choosing the line of Judah rather than the line of Joseph: choosing David and Mt Zion. Whether humans are faithful or not, God still guides them.

Isaiah 41: 1 – 16

Israel is told to be quiet and listen. Their strength will be restored. The great hero from the past will restore. The people are to take courage. “I have chosen you and not cast you off” (v.9). They are not to fear; this is their God. The people’s enemies will disappear. God will help them and they will rejoice and glory in the Lord.

1 Thessalonians 2: 13 - 20

Paul gives thanks that when the Thessalonians heard the gospel they recognised it as the word of God. They modelled themselves on the church in Judea and suffered from their local people in the same way the Judean church suffered from the Jews. Paul, who is prevented from returning to the Thessalonians, thinks of them often and is full of praise (glory and joy) at their faithfulness.

Collect for Evening Prayer

This jade plant with many leaves
reminds us of our many blessings
St Andrew's by the Lake
Mulwala NSW 2014 L Osburn

Persistent and loving Lord you keep loving and forgiving us and bringing your truth to all who will listen. As we reflect on today let us celebrate our moments of faithfulness and hand all our fears to you so that we take courage and rejoice is your increasing and wondrous gifts of love through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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