Sunday 28 December 2014

29 December 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Monday 29 December 2014 
Morning Prayer

Psalm 145

This psalm praises and blesses God for all the great acts of creation, mercy, salvation, awesome acts, steadfast love, compassion, and might. What God has done proclaims the glory of the kingdom. That kingdom will endure forever.

On a more personal level God is faithful, gracious, upholds people while they are falling, raises up people who are oppressed. God provides as required, in time and with justice. God hears, saves and watches us. We will praise the Lord and all living things will bless God forever.

Isaiah 30: 15 - 28

“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength” (v.15), says the Lord. But the people would have none of it and instead want to flee or seek help in other places. They will be overrun and only a few will remain. Yet the Lord longs to be compassionate. When the people cry for help God will hear and the people will eventually get the lesson and throw away idols.

The rain will come, the land will prosper and God will heal the people.

John 1: 35 – 51

John the Baptist sees Jesus and says to his disciples “Look the Lamb of God”. Two of John disciples follow Jesus and ask where he is staying, then spend the day with him. Andrew seeks out his brother saying, “We have found the Messiah”. His brother is Simon Peter who Jesus called Cephas (Peter). The next day Jesus finds Philip and calls him to follow. Philip in turn finds Nathaniel who first says, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Jesus recognises Nathaniel as a true Israelite – an honest person. Nathaniel immediately proclaims Jesus the Son of God and King of Israel. Jesus says that Nathaniel will see more wonders.

Collect for Morning Prayer

God of loving compassion and provision you want to care for us and heal us. Help us to take a moment in quiet repentance, trust you and remember all your great gifts to us so that we may feel your saving grace and step out today in confidence as your disciples through Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord. Amen.

Monday 29 December 2014
Evening Prayer

Psalm 147

This psalm rejoices in singing praise to a gracious God. God builds up the community, gathers the outcasts, heals the broken-hearted and binds their wounds. This is the same God who created the stars. Sing to God.

God brings the rain that produces grass and feeds the animals and allows birds to sing. God isn’t interested in who is the fastest or strongest but in our reverence.

The city of the faithful is charged to praise the Lord: for itself, the safety of the children, the peace. This God who controls all the weather looks after us. No other God is like our God.

Isaiah 62

Jerusalem will be remade in a splendid form like a royal jewel. It will no longer be deserted or desolate but be called “My delight is in her” (Hephzibah). She will be rebuilt and God will rejoice over her. God has posted watchmen (prophets) who will call on God until the job is done. The New Jerusalem will not be taken over by oppressors. The people will consume their own produce. 

Start building the highways, start entering, clear the rubble and raise the flags. The Lord comes and those who live in the city will be called The Holy People: The Redeemed of the Lord.

Ephesians 1: 1 – 14

Praise to God for all the blessings we have received. By grace and will God chose us to be adopted as children through Christ. Through Christ we have redemption and forgiveness of sins. God made known to us to mystery of God’s will to bring all things together under Christ. When the Ephesians accepted Christ they were sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Paul goes on to say that ever since he heard about the Ephesians he has given thanks and praise to God. Paul prays that they receive wisdom and revelation to know God better, that their eyes can be enlightened to see the hope of their glorious inheritance and God’s power. God’s power was exerted in Christ to raise him from the dead, seat him at God’s right hand and place all things under Christ’s feet to be the head of God’s church.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Mandurah WA 2014 L Osburn

God of blessing and development, you graciously build us up, heal us and give us what we need to be able to reverently praise you. Let us now praise you and give thanks so that we like the Ephesians may be wise, know you better and be full of hope and joy for what you have done for us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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