Thursday 20 November 2014

21 November 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Friday 21 November 2014 
Morning Prayer

Psalm 50

Almighty God who rules over the entire planet rebukes the people and explains that God does not need sacrifices of animals. God already owns all the creatures and plants of the earth. God instead requires thanksgiving and praise.

For those who do evil, slander others and hate discipline they have no right to recite the commandments.

“Mark this, then you who forget God” (v.23). Those who bring thanksgiving honour God and those who go the right way, God will save.

Zechariah 12

This is another oracle from Zechariah concerning God who founded the heavens and the earth and formed the human spirit within. It talks of a time when Jerusalem is the centre of a maelstrom. Other nations will come against it but Judah will have the first land victories and Jerusalem will be reinhabited. God will protect Jerusalem against the other nations.

God will pour out a spirit of compassion and supplication on Jerusalem so that when people recognise how they have pierced God they will mourn like we mourn over the death of our old child or our first-born child. Everyone will mourn.

Mark 1: 1 – 13

The passage introduces John the Baptist clothed in camel hair baptises people who repent their sins. John baptises with water and says another, greater than he will come who will baptise with the Holy Spirit. Jesus is Baptised by John and experiences a voice saying “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased” (v.11). Jesus then goes into the wilderness where he is tempted by Satan and cared for by angels.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Eucalypt leaves
Eucla WA  2014 L Osburn

Holy Lord maker of all there is, you ask us to love you, love our neighbours and give you thanks and praise. Be with us now and every day, guiding all our actions so that your Holy Spirit lives in us, through Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord. Amen.

Friday 21 November 2014
Evening Prayer

Psalms 119: 41 - 64

The earth is full of God’s steadfast love and the psalmist wants to be taught and affirmed and encouraged in understanding and living by God’ statutes. Through this the psalmist will have the words to say to taunters and the confidence to give testimony to kings. The psalmist identifies all the way the commandments and statutes of the Lord enrich life.

Wisdom 7: 7 – 20

The prayer for understanding brought the spirit of wisdom.  Wisdom is sought before any other treasure and indeed all treasures are but clay compared to wisdom. Wisdom is loved more than health and beauty and her radiance never ceases. All good things come with wisdom – they are like her children. Learning wisdom without guile and sharing what is known – giving it to others enables people to be friends with God. May God grant that our speech is based on judgements that come from wisdom for God alone is the source of all knowledge.

Revelation 9: 13 - 21

In the vision, the sixth angel blows a trumpet. This releases four angels who have been waiting and whose task it is to kill one third of all humans. They have 200 million troops of cavalry. The manner of death is through plagues. But the rest of humanity did not give up their evil, idolatry, theft or fornication

Collect for Evening Prayer

Pink Frangipani Flowers
Mandurah WA 2014 L Osburn
Holy and almighty God you have given us commandments, statutes and the stories of your faithful people through the ages. Help us read, know and understand your will for us. Give us wisdom and love to share you with others and build their understanding so that when the time comes those who are open to you will be among the saved and through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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