Sunday 19 October 2014

20 October 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Monday 20 October 2014 
Morning Prayer

Psalms 114 and 115

First, the psalmist recalls the exodus and crossing of the sea and the Jordan: that the natural world moved and changed to suit God’s purpose. The second psalm starts praising God for faithful and constant expression of love. The psalmist ridicules the idol-makers who like their idols may have the physical senses (eyes, ears, noses…) but make no use of them. God is contrasted as a sensing and active presence worthy to be trusted. The psalmist blesses the hearer of the psalm.

Ezra 6: 16 – 7:10

The temple is dedicated and the people celebrate Passover and the festival of unleavened bread. Ezra the scribe who is in Babylon seeks permission to come to Jerusalem.  He travels with others who have skills for working in the temple and arrives in Jerusalem. Ezra plans to study the Law and teach the statutes and ordinances in Israel.

Matthew 15: 1 – 20

Pharisees and scribes approach Jesus asking why his disciples do not wash before eating – it breaks ritual purity laws. Jesus asks why do they break one of the commandments on honouring parents by denying aging parents the wherewithal for life through dedicating that money to the temple. He calls them hypocrites. And quotes scripture on how people honour God with their lips but follow their own constructed laws.  He then says that it is not what goes into people’s mouths that defile them but what comes out of their hearts and mouths and into action.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Dissolved Bricks in the Wall
New Norcia Benedictine Abbey WA
2014 L Osburn
 Holy and gracious God, you are the one we should worship and your laws are the ones we need to follow. Help up to see through the constructed rituals and rules that become idols and disable our sensibilities and compassion: those that focus on “getting it right” for our benefit rather than loving you and caring for others. Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit so that our words and actions are pleasing to you and glorify you through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Monday 20 October 2014
Evening Prayer

Psalms 116 and 117

The first psalm gives thanks to God for healing. Even when he is profoundly depressed the psalmist trusts in God. The second psalm is a global call to praise God.

Daniel 4: 1 – 18

Nebuchadnezzar has a dream of a great tree reaching from earth to heaven that houses and supports people and animals. A celestial watcher decrees that the tree is to be cut leaving only a stump and bound in iron. It remains for a set period of time in a field with animals and grass. He asks Daniel to interpret the dream.

1 Peter 3: 1 – 7
In this section wives and husbands are charged to love and honour each other. Even if the husband is not a believer, the woman by her demeanour and example may bring the husband to Christ without any need for argument.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Head of the Bight
Great Australian Bight SA 2014 L Osburn
God of healing, God of power, God of relationships we thank you and praise you. You love us. Your power and love can and do break forth into our lives and our world. Be with us this night. Help us to know that no matter the circumstances you are with us so that we never let fears alarm us and step out in courage everyday to love each other through Jesus Christ and your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

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