Friday 31 October 2014

1 November 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Saturday 1 November 2014 
Morning Prayer

Psalms 1 and 2

People who set themselves apart from all the turmoil of the world, who contemplate God, and God’s laws are like trees with good soil and water that bear fruit, don’t wither but prosper. The wicked are like chaff – an empty hull – they will not be with God at the end.

A rhetorical psalm asking why some people think they can break the bond between God and his anointed one (messiah). The psalmist thinks it is laughable. God is all-powerful and the anointed one is his begotten son. God’s power could be used to punish and correct. Let humans be warned to respect God. Those that take refuge in the Lord will be happy.

Nehemiah 7: 73 – 8: 12

In the seventh month the people gather to hear Ezra read from the Book of the Law. All people, men women and children who can understand attend. Some of the Levites translate the reading into Aramaic so that the people can absorb the meaning. The people weep when they hear the Law. The leaders (Ezra, Nehemiah priests and scribes) tell the people to not worry, and to celebrate since they know the Law now. They are to eat rich food and drink sweet wine and share with people who have none and rejoice because they understand what is written.

Matthew 20: 17 – 34

Jesus tells the 12 disciples for the third time what will happen to him in Jerusalem: he will be handed over, mocked, flogged, crucified and then raised.

The mother of James and John lobbies Jesus for her sons to have prominent positions in his kingdom. He replies that she does not understand what she is asking. He asks them are they prepared to go through what he is about to go through and they say yes. Jesus then says their positioning is not his to grant – only God’s.

The rest of the disciples are angry about the lobbying. Jesus calms them contrasting the political structure of other nations with the arrangements to come. Those who would be leaders need to serve – be a slave to the rest – just as Jesus came to serve not to be served.

As they leave Jericho to Jerusalem two blind men call to him and when He asks what they want say, “Lord let our eyes be opened” (v.33). Jesus restores their sight and they follow Him.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Jan and Graham's grapes
Armadale WA 2014 L Osburn

Loving God you want us to know you, know your way, feel your refuge and calm, bear fruit, share and be happy. Help us step away from life’s turmoil, respect you, serve others, hear your call to us and feel your calm so that our lives are a constant witness to your love and care for us through Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord. Amen.

Saturday 1 November 2014
Evening Prayer

Psalms 3 and 4

People who say that faith in God is pointless surround the psalmist. Yet the psalmist prays and the prayers are answered; sleeps and is sustained by God. There is no fear and the psalmist leaves any reprisals to God.

The psalmist begins by acknowledging God’s grace and comfort in the past and asks for prayers to be answered. The psalmist guides us: when we are upset, we are not to do the wrong thing but take time, ponder what is going on, put aside our self and put our trust in God.  If we want a sign from God, the psalmist recounts that through prayer and right sacrifice the happiness and peace experienced are the real signs of God’s presence.

Daniel 9: 1 – 14

Daniel reads Jeremiah and understands how long the exile must be. Distressed he prays a great confession with a fast, and in sackcloth covered in ashes. He acknowledges God’s righteousness and the disobedience of the people. He recognises that what Moses said would happen if the people break the Law, has come to pass.

2 Peter 3: 11 – 18

Peter discusses how we are to act while we wait for a new heaven and earth where righteousness is at home. We are to be at peace and see Jesus’s patience as part of our salvation. We are to read Paul’s letters and take care understanding the difficult sections and chose our own stability. And we are to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. His is the glory now and forever. Amen

Collect for Evening Prayer

Contemplation Pool
Mandurah WA 2014 L Osburn
Holy and compassionate God you want us to feel your peace and receive your grace. You give us the scriptures, psalms, great people and writers of letters to remind us that your Law stands eternal and that Jesus your Son our Lord is the key. Let us bring our prayers to you, put aside our selves, put our trust in you so that we can feel your peace and your grace and give glory to Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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