Saturday 6 September 2014

7 September 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Sunday 7 September 2014 
Morning Prayer

Psalm 74

The community laments.  Enemies have come and destroyed the city, the temple and everything that gives identity to the people. An appeal is made to God using stories of creation and provision for the people. The enemy ridicules and the soul of the people is at risk of being destroyed. The psalmist asks to Lord to rise up for the people’s sake.

Matthew 18: 1 – 9

The disciples come to Jesus to ask about status in heaven. Jesus chooses a child as the model. We need to be like a little child, whose parents lead and not seek our own way. If we do something that makes a young believer stumble, we would be better off dead. And if we have something we value but it causes us to stumble in our belief, even if it is as dear to us as our own hand or foot or eye, we are better off without it.

Collect for Morning Prayer

In the hills towards Port Augusta SA
2014 L Osburn

God of all, to you each of us is valued and loved. Help us to see you in each other, and to know that every person is on a journey to you. Guide us in all we do to make everyone’s path smooth so that they may more quickly find you and experience your eternal grace and love through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Sunday 7 September 2014
Evening Prayer

Exodus 13: 11 – 22

In remembrance of the Passover, every first-born male lamb is sacrificed and a sacrifice of a lamb is also made for first-born donkeys and male children. They are redeemer through the sacrifice of the lamb. When Pharaoh let the people go God kept them away from war until they were ready and lead them towards the Red Sea with a cloud before them every day and a pillar of fire before them every night.

Psalm 95

Sing to God songs of praise for all things God has done for us. Be joyful. Make a noise. Do not harden your heart like the Israelites did when they were wandering in the wilderness.

Romans 13: 11 – 14

Paul reminds us that we are closer to salvation now than we were the first day we believed. So we need to be enthused, live honourably, put on God’s armour of light and be guided by Christ not our own desires.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Red Gum Blossom
Deanery Garden Griffith NSW 2014 L Osburn
Saving God, you redeemed us through the death of Your Son Jesus making us we free to love you, to approach you and each day to be nearer to you. Open our hearts to song and praise and thanks for all you have done so that we may rise tomorrow feeling fully enthused with your love and continue praising and thanking you where ever we are through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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