Tuesday 24 June 2014

25 June 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Wednesday 25 June 2014 
Morning Prayer   

Psalm 135

This psalm is a song of praise and thanksgiving to God. It calls upon the priestly tribes of Israel to praise the Lord.

2 Chronicles 12

By the fifth year of King Rehoboam’s reign, King Shishak of Egypt invades. The prophet Shemaiah tells the officers of Judah and the king that this is because they abandoned God and so they humble themselves saying “the Lord is right”. The Lord sees this and grants them some deliverance. The city is sacked and all the precious things taken. King Rehoboam’s reign continues for 17 years and deep in his heart he still does not seek the Lord – he does evil things.

Acts 13: 1 – 12

In Antioch, a group of Christians gather. The Holy Spirit says to the group to send Barnabas and Saul (who is now Paul) out as a mission. They travel to a few places then come to Cyprus, arrive in Salamis and go to Paphos. Here they find a false prophet named Bar-Jesus with the proconsul Serguis Paulus. The proconsul wanting to hear the word of God, summons Barnabas and Paul. There is a magician Elymas, who tries to oppose the message and turn the proconsul away from the faith. Paul, with the power of the Holy Spirit looks at Elymas and discerns that he is full of deceit and villainy and is trying to make things difficult. Paul declares that the hand of the Lord is against Elymas and that he will be blind for a while. Elymas stops being able to see and now needs to be led around. The proconsul, seeing this believes and is astonished at the teachings about the Lord.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Straight path Albany WA
2014 L Osburn
God of the way, your protection is real and the power of your Holy Spirit is real. We praise you and thank you for your care for us. Keep us in your grace and help us to discern when others are making things difficult. Strengthen us to rely on your power and your actions to again make the crooked path straight so that all are brought immediately to you and your love through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wednesday 25 June 2014
Evening Prayer

Psalm 136

This psalm proclaims God’s greatness and enduring love. There is a sense of the overwhelming, overflowing, generosity of God.

Ezekiel 3: 4 – 27

Ezekiel reports his commissioning. God tells him to speak God’s words to Israel whether they listen or not and promises that he will be made strong enough to counter their stubbornness. The spirit makes him go too, to the exiles near Chebar canal. Here he is told the rules for prophets – that he must tell what he is told to tell whether people listen or not. If he fails to warn, and the people die God will see that as the prophet’s responsibility. When he warns them and they are stubborn and they die – that is their fault. If they listen and are saved the prophet too has saved his own life.

Ezekiel reports being taken to a valley by the Spirit, seeing the glory of God and being told to go and shut himself in his house and that he will become mute except when God speaks to him. Then he will say, “Thus says the Lord God”.

James 2: 8 – 26

James reinforces that God’s law needs to upheld – not just in parts but also as a whole. The laws of God are laws that allow liberty for all and mercy is central to our community.

James then goes on to say that faith without works cannot save. Even demons believe in God. We need to demonstrate our faith by our actions in the world and keep our faith alive.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Lighthouse - practical active showing the way
Cape Leeuwin WA
2014 L Osburn

Great enduring loving and generous God you want people to be saved, loved and for your generosity and mercy to flow throughout the earth. Help us to proclaim your love and when moved by your spirit to guide people to you. Help us also to care in active and practical ways, to keep being generous so that we can do your will: so that we not only build others in the faith but ourselves as well through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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