Sunday 30 March 2014

31 March 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Monday 31 March 2014
Morning Prayer

Psalms 148 and 149

These two psalms call on every part of creation to praise and glorify God.  Parts call for dance and celebration of victories over enemy nations.

Jeremiah 36: 1 – 19

On God’s instruction, Jeremiah dictates all the prophesies against Judah to Baruch, his secretary who writes them on a single scroll and reads them in the hearing of everyone at the temple. The aim is to give the people another opportunity to repent. He is then asked to read it again to officials at the king’s house in the secretary’s chamber. They ask for the scroll and tell him to go back to Jeremiah and for both of them to hide.

Luke 18: 1 – 14

Jesus explains why we need to pray and keep on praying by using a parable about a judge and a persistent widow.  She persists, he gives in. Our God is more generous and compassionate, God listens. He also tells the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector. One goes to the temple and prays boastfully, the other repents his sins and admits his failings. The humbled one will be exalted.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Windmill Eyre Highway South Australia
2014 L Osburn
 Great and Merciful God, you answer our prayers and you give us an infinite number of ways to appreciate your glory, your gifts to us and to come to you with humbled hearts and minds. Be with us today as we serve you in all our tasks and interactions so that we too can be part of the demonstration of your grace through Jesus Christ our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Monday 31 March 2014
Evening Prayer

Psalms 144 and 150

The first psalm is of a king who has prepared for war, he calls on God to be the strong deliverer. He expresses humility not just for himself but all people, asks for God to be with them in routing the enemy. The psalmist will sing praises, the youth and the land will flourish, there will be peace and all happiness will be restored once the battle is won.

The last psalm is of joyful and exuberant praise – instruments, dancing. “Let everything that breathes praise the Lord” (v6).

Exodus 1

Four centuries elapse and the Israelites have multiplied in Egypt and there were more Israelites than indigenous Egyptians. The new Pharaoh had no appreciation of the God of the Hebrews. He increased the burden on the people, ordered midwives to kill any newborn sons of the Hebrews – they disobeyed. And then ordered that all Hebrew male children be killed.

Hebrews 12: 1 – 11

Since we have had all the examples of faithful people from the time of Abel, they are like a crowd cheering us on to persevere in our own race. We look to the finish line: to Jesus and to the joy that comes from his presence. When things get tough we should consider how tough they were for Christ. If God disciplines us, we are to treat it as training, as preparation for the parts of the race still to come. Discipline always is uncomfortable but the joy of achievement outweighs that discomfort.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Young people training to sail
Busselton WA 2014 L Osburn
Merciful God, you have given us so many examples of people who struggled and were part of your great story of redemption and restoration. Thank you for the challenges of today. Help us to take what we have experienced and learn to respond in ways that please you and treat today as a training session so that we demonstrate our faith and bring ourselves closer to you through Jesus Christ and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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