Wednesday 19 March 2014

20 March 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Thursday 20 March 2014
Morning Prayer

Psalms 48

This psalm is a celebration of Jerusalem, as the City of God made grand, awesome and terrifying by the obvious presence of God.

Jeremiah 31: 1 – 14

The promise that God will bring the people who are scattered home and they will be more united than before. God will comfort them.

Luke 13: 22 – 35

In response to a question about who will be saved, Jesus says that the opportunity is there for everyone. It is a demanding path that requires more than a causal interest in Jesus and heaven is available to all. That offer is still open, even after Jesus's death.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Church: New Norcia Benedictine Community
WA 2014 L Osburn

Loving God, you have made a door open to you and you want us to come and dwell with you. Help us to commit to this journey, to be faithful and to keep our eyes on you so that we may join your saints of every nation in your holy city through Jesus Christ our Lord and your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

Thursday 20 March 2014
Evening Prayer

Psalm 49

This psalm uses a riddle to teach wisdom. Everyone dies, the rich and the poor. Wealth is nice. Seeking wealth can take our focus from God. God will ransom the souls of the faithful.

Genesis 44: 18 – 34

Judah explains the situation of his father’s grief and concern about Joseph and Benjamin. If Benjamin does not return home it will cause his father to be bereft. Judah informs Joseph that his own life is already a surety for Benjamin and so offers to take Benjamin’s place in prison. If Benjamin does not go home Jacob will die.

Hebrews 9: 1 – 10

The writer describes the original sanctuary arrangements. A tent for all the rituals and a second – the holy place – only for the high priest once a year. While we are busy with the business of the first tent ‘the way to the sanctuary has not yet been disclosed” (v 8). Encountering God is not in the busy-ness or rituals. It is something deeper.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Nicaraguan Style Cross New Norcia
Benedictine Community WA 2014 L Osburn

Loving God, each of us is special to you. You want us to come home to you. Help us to see that coming home is not achieved through focusing on success, wealth acquisition or doing. Help us to make space to be with you and allow you to be with us, through Jesus Christ who was the ransom for our sins. Amen.

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