Tuesday 11 February 2014

12 February 2014

Prayers developed from the daily readings

Wednesday 12 February 2014
Morning Prayer

Psalms 99 and 100

Songs of praises to God who rules, is awesome, loves justice and fairness and will stand by us. We are asks to come, be joyful, sing, be thankful, know we are loved and will be loved forever.

Jeremiah 17:19-18:12

Jeremiah proclaims that the commandments are to be kept - specifically in this section about keeping the sabbath holy. He tells the allegory of the potter who re-shapes and remoulds clay. In the same way Jeremiah says God can reshape our lives and futures. We can choose to follow our stubborn will or chose to follow God.

Luke 4:31-44
Jesus teaches on the sabbath and heals people of their demons. Jesus states that his purpose is to proclaim the kingdom of God. He chooses to follow God not the demands of the crowd.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Streaky Bay SA 2014 L Osburn

Holy and gracious God, you love each and every one of us and ask that we focus our lives on you. We thank you that teaching your word and caring for each other are examples of such a life. Give us the capacity to follow your plans and not the voices of the crowd. Help us follow the example of Christ our Lord and saviour. Amen

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Evening Prayer

Psalm 103

A beautiful psalm of praise blessing God with every part of our being and for every benefit we have been given especially God's eternal love. A luscious reverent, adoring psalm.

Genesis 24:50-67

This tells of Rebekah whose parents asked her whether she willing to be married to Isaac who she had not seen and to go with Abraham's servant. They bless her and she travels to Negeb.

Philippians 4:8-23

Paul encourages the people of Philippi to focus their thoughts on honourable, pleasing, true and commendable things. He thanks them for their great generosity and he talks about how he has been through tough times and times of plenty. He talks of how he has been sustained "I can do all things through him who strengthens me." And even in prison he carries on his ministry and send greetings.

Collect for Evening Prayer

New Norcia WA 2014 L Osburn

Great and loving God you bless us, you sustain us and you send us into challenging and sometimes difficult situations. Help us to remember the willingness of young Rebekah and the example of Paul. May we too be like the Philippians and support missions and evangelists. Finally keep as in the knowledge and love of your dear son Jesus Christ whose spirit strengthens and sustains us. Amen